Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s CEO, had already announced this, and now the change of the Feed is available after the last update of the App.
Now all users of the platform have the possibility to choose between three different Feed. The first (and the only available during the last years) will remain governed by the algorithm we know. Here the contents will continue to appear according to the criterion of greater interaction with the Followed. This Feed will be accompanied by other two: “Following” (chronological criterion) and “Favorites” (to be composed entirely by the users).
Let’s see how they work.
The Feed categories of “Following” and “Favorites”, what changes?
According to Mosseri, with the introduction of the categories of “Following” and “Favorites” it will be possible for the users to take greater control of their experience on the platform. They will have more choice and opportunity to act by prioritizing certain content over others.
(“More choice and control over what you see in your feed“).
- In the “Following” section, in fact, the display of the contents will be restored according to the old (and dear) chronological criterion. Photos, videos will appear depending on the moment in which they are published.
- The “Favorites” section, on the other hand, is a Feed that can be entirely customized by the user. At the first access it is presented in blank and is then composed based on the list of “favorites” created by the user.
To access the different sections, simply tap on the Instagram logo on the Home section and switch from one Feed to the other according to your preferences.
To add someone to the “Favorites” just click on the “Add” and select the profile from those that appear or search for it in the search tab. Up to 50 profiles can be added.
Why this change?
Back in July 2016, to respond to a growing increase in the production of online content, Instagram introduced the famous algorithm to prioritize content viewing.
A change that did not please everyone and that was criticized for the very functioning of the algorithm which considered above all the degree of user interaction with each profile and content. This mechanism helped on the one hand to prioritize the updates deemed “most interesting” for the single user; but on the other hand it caused an accumulation of “ignored” and “silenced” content for the majority of people.
It will have happened to you to start following a new Creator and never see him/her appear in the Feed or, vice versa, to see a repetition of the same content producers both in the Feed and in the Stories.
Well, it seems that Instagram has finally accepted the requests of the user base who asked for more choice and personalization of their online experience.
With the introduction of the categories of “Following” and “Favorites”, exactly this goal is accomplished, which in part represents a return to the “old style” Instagram.
Other Instagram News
2022 really seems to be the year of turning point and of great changes for Instagram. After the introduction of “Subscription” for Creators and the change of Feed, it seems that overseas, new ways of interacting on the platform are being experimented with.
It seems that the possibility of tagging the products on sale in the shops will be extended to everyone. A feature previously reserved for Business, Creator or Influencer accounts only, which after a first test in the States will be extended globally with the aim of increasing the visibility of brands and products.
We’ll see what will change next!
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