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TikTok for Business 2021: best practices, strategies and ideas for campaigns

tiktok for business 2021 new years strategy

2021 is coming to a conclusion and it’s time for some reflections.
It has been an important year for large and small businesses that have decided to invest in TikTok for business, the app section which is dedicated exclusively to brands.
With a community of over a billion people, the short video platform par excellence has in several cases succeeded in connecting brands and people, delivering original and effective campaigns in terms of conversions.

In this article we see some examples and strategies that have stood out on TikTok for business for their results achieved during 2021.
Maybe they can inspire you to launch your project in this new digital marketing adventure!

tiktok for business 2021 trend adv+

Campaigns to launch the TikTok profile

Valentino, Barilla, Ikea, Coca-cola and even Taylor Swift have chosen 2021 as their year of arrival on TikTok.

As any launch, the landings of the big names on the platform have been planned according to a clear and defined strategy, respecting the typical Tone of Voice of the company and with related engagement campaigns. This is the most effective approach to ensure a perfect launch that is able to attract audiences and grow the profile.

The idea is to take advantage of TikTok’s natural levers of involvement and adapt to the platform’s native language to integrate and not look like outsiders.
Launching a challenge, for example, can be an effective way to make the brand known and inspire other users to create related contents.

Let’s mention one case above all: that of Barilla with its #RigatoniDay. Recovering a trend from the previous year, the famous Italian pasta brand launched a campaign inviting users to celebrate together on May 24 enjoying a nice plate of rigatoni.
Khabi Lame, chosen as an ambassador of excellence for the occasion, made him the invitation with his typical irreverent style.

According to TikTok, the campaign achieved a high engagement rate with 8,900 videos created on the original notes of “Funky Rigatoni” bringing the campaign to over 27 million views and 2 million of interactions.

TikTok Storytelling for medium and small Businesses

Not just big brands. TikTok has proven to be a useful resource for medium, small businesses and even freelances and artisans.

These realities can count on a less immediate conversion lever for other structured organizations: that of storytelling.

Being able to tell that story in an effective and engaging way is the key to attracting new, potential customers. The more a company is rooted in the territory, the more its history will be reflected in the products or services offered on the reference market.

We bring you the example of Isiline, a brand that offers high-speed Internet connection services in the italian region of Piemonte.
Relying on a sponsorship with the Cuneo Granda Volley women’s team, the company lent its TikTok profile to the volleyball athletes testing them with a series of challenges. An idea born not only to demonstrate their undisputed skills but also the company’s attachment to the territory through support for sporting excellence.

Le ragazze del @cuneograndavolley si stanno preparando per il match di Domenica! 😉 #training #Isiline #prematch #match #internet #fibra #volley #girl

♬ MONEY – 리사 (LISA)

Freelancers and artisans can also find their way of communication on TikTok using storytelling and personal brands.
The ideas can be many. Tell about successes (but also failures and difficulties), behind the scenes of a production process, to show works created and ideals for business growth.

In May of this year, TikTok even launched the hashtag #SupportSmallBusiness to encourage users to share their shopping habits aimed at supporting their favourite small businesses or entrepreneurs.

TikTok and products: get inspired by the community

If effectively studied, a digital communication strategy on TikTok can really allow you to communicate with your target audience.

In some cases, even the community itself asks and the brand responds.
Let’s take the clothing company GAP which has decided to put its iconic brown sweatshirt back on the market, which has been out of production for 10 years. The viral #gaphoodie trend that convinced the company started with a post by creator Barbara Kristoffersen in which she showed the vintage hoodie among her seasonal looks.

According to the company data, 83% of those willing to buy use TikTok to search for product reviews while 67% say they were convinced to buy thanks to the platform even if they were not looking for specific products.

This is the basis of the hashtag #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt that users use to celebrate their favorite purchases and brands. From the trend, a guide to the most popular products was created, perfect to integrate the Christmas whishlist. If you are interested, you can consult it here.

According to TikTok for business, the users want to participate, also dialogue with brands, exchange opinions, be involved. An attitude that is far from the traditional brand-customer relationship that requires a consequent adjustment of the advertising strategy as well.

Mission driven campaigns on TikTok

Another trend of brand campaigns on TikTok is to use them to convey the corporate values that guide and characterize the business activity.

These are usually campaigns with a strong emotional impact which not only want to launch a product but a message consistent with the company’s mission and target.
From this year we can cite the examples of Dove with its #NoDigitalDistortionMovement which saw the participation of various testimonials. Or Vodafone which launched in Italy an exclusive series on TikTok entitled “OttosuDieci” to raise awareness among users on the issue of violence against women.

The campaign garnered 24.6 million hashtag views on the occasion of the International Day for the elimination of violence against women.


#OttoSuDieci è in esclusiva su TikTok dal 25/11. @zof @valevedovatti @danieledavi @robertazacchero

♬ suono originale – OttoSuDieci

And now, are you ready to launch your project on TikTok?

If you are curious to experiment with a TikTok strategy and campaigns ailored to your business, we at Adv + are here to help!

Contact us through the form or write us an email, we will be happy to meet you and chat together about the potential of your investment.

Keep following our blog for more updates!

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