In its 17th edition, the Netcomm Forum is reconfirmed as one of the most important Italian events for digital and retail marketing professionals.
Over 21 thousand attendees were registered during the two-day event (3-4 May) which, after the two-year stop due to the pandemic, also returned to the presence hosted by the Milan MiCo. Despite this, the possibility of participating remotely or in hybrid mode has also been maintained (a good choice considering the more than 5000 additional virtual presences).
What did we talk about?
Obviously ECommerce and Digital Retail with an eye to networking, innovation and omnichannel, but let’s see in more detail.
Netcomm Forum 2022, our impressions
Here are the numbers of this extraordinary edition: 180 conferences, 3 plenary sessions, more than 250 exhibitors and 340 speakers.
We at ADV + participate in the NetComm Forum since the birth of our agency (2018) and we can testify how much this important event has changed and above all grown in Italy. After two editions, those of 2020 and 2021 of “fully remote” due to the pandemic, this year we are finally back in attendance.
The first thing we noticed was the significant increase in the number of exhibitors.
Each stand of the fair has been designed to offer assistance and support to the entire corporate e-commerce supply chain. From the design of the website, through to marketing and social, logistics, shipping, packaging and up to intelligence systems to speed up internal processes.
The role of some well-known realities in the digital world such as Snapchat (which has proposed its augmented reality system for ECommerce) and Shopify with its Case Studies and Success Stories is very interesting.
For us, the Netcomm Forum was a wonderful opportunity to meet with friends, colleagues and partners that unfortunately we don’t have the opportunity to meet so often!
Online shopping in Italy through data
According to the latest studies on the subject, the Italian online shopping market is constantly expanding. In the last quarter, 33.3 million (more than half of the population) made purchases online for a total monthly expenditure of 4,700 million euros. Of these subjects, more than 17 million are habitual buyers with an average of 3-4 purchases per month.
An important fact that marks a return to a more contained growth but still constant compared to the boom of the pandemic period, during which there was an increase of 6 million more buyers.
The online shopping market is advancing thanks to investments and the digital transformation accelerated by the pandemic. Buyers change their habits (even the most loyal to physical stores now check the internet before buying). Consequently, they require better services and technological support infrastructures.
That’s why events such as the NetComm Forum become essential for the development of the sector. It create intersections of services that are able not only to satisfy but also to anticipate the needs of retailers.

What you buy, how you pay: changes in Digital Retail
In the online shopping market, traditional products lead the ranking. Clothing (which alone covers almost 46% of the market), health and wellness (40.4%), cosmetics and perfumes (36.6%), electronics (32%), accessories (31%).
On the other hand, food and household spending (37.2%) and the market for digital products (travel, digital content, online services and insurance) grew.
But what are the big changes in the world of Digital Retail?
The main innovations certainly concern payment methods, logistics and systems that use artificial intelligence to automate some phases of the retailing process.
Great attention is paid to the main target of Generation Z, considered the most purpose-driven ever that with their behaviour and sensitivity push both companies and professionals towards innovation.

Towards NetComm 2023!
Among the participants of the edition of NetComm Forum also our partner Alessandro Vercellotti, Head of Legal for Digital the law firm specializing in Web Law and awarded the 2022 Best Law Firm Award by Statista and IlSole24h. “Netcomm was a real discovery. First of all for the possibility of coming into contact with important and interesting realities – he commented -. That of networking with Italian companies of excellence and last but not least of finally interacting live after almost two years. NetComm is today one of the most important meeting points in Italy and we at Legal For Digital will certainly be at the forefront again next year “.
We at Adv + could not agree more with these words! See you at NetComm next year and may this short break be an inspiration for new ambitions and goals!
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