Brand Awareness Campaings

How to increase the awareness of our brand
thanks to the use of social networks?

Campaigns to increase brand awareness are very important because they are the first step in the marketing funnel and represent a crucial basis for acquiring customers.

The so-called “Brand Awareness” in fact refers to the ability of people to remember and recognize your business.


Why use Facebook and Instagram
to increase the notoriety of our brand?

Facebook Brand Awareness: How Does It Work?

Not being present on Facebook today is a mistake that cannot be made.

Such a social network allows you to drastically increase your visibility on the web, managing to reach many users who can easily turn into potential customers.

The main difference lies in the fact that on Facebook the user’s attention is active, unlike, for example, television where the attention is passive.

Furthermore, Facebook allows you to measure the results of your investments compared to traditional channels. This way you can easily understand how to structure your advertising campaign.

Instagram Brand Awareness: How Does It Work?

Instagram has now established itself as one of the most used social networks along with Facebook.

The ease of use of the contents and the variety of formats in which they can be provided make Instagram an indispensable tool for increasing the awareness of your brand on the web.

Instagram is also a more visual and creative social, there are many different formats for our stories and, consequently, many different ways to attract the attention of users and make them participate in our brand.

Instagram then, just like Facebook, allows you to measure the results of your investments very clearly and understand in which direction to go with our marketing strategy.

Testa le tue offerte su una piccola porzione di utenti

Una cosa da fare prima di ampliare la nostra promo a tutti i nostri contatti è quella di effettuare una ricerca di mercato.

Grazie a noi di ADV+ avrai la possibilità di testare le tue offerte ad una piccola porzione delle tue email complessive e vedere in che modo rispondono gli utenti.

In questo modo riuscirai a capire la loro reazione e vedere in che modo migliorare la tua campagna.

Che differenza c'è tra up selling e cross selling?

L’upselling è la pratica di incoraggiare i clienti ad acquistare un prodotto di fascia più alta comparabile a quello in questione, mentre il cross-selling invita i clienti ad acquistare articoli correlati o complementari.

Sebbene spesso utilizzati in modo intercambiabile, entrambi offrono vantaggi distinti e possono essere efficaci in tandem.

Con ADV+ riuscirai ad ottenere il meglio da entrambe queste tipologie di vendita.

Monitoraggio delle performance delle campagne

Grazie agli strumenti di Analytics offerti da Facebook e Instagram avrai la possibilità di misurare i risultati degli investimenti effettuati a differenza di tutti gli altri canali pubblicitari tradizionali.

Grazie a tutti i dati che raccoglieremo sarai in grado di migliorare i tuoi risultati di rendimento complessivo delle tue campagne pubblicitarie e, di conseguenza, renderle più redditizie. 

What is PCC Advertising?

At their core, keywords are one of — if not the most — single important component of a successful SEO campaign. Keywords refer to the words typed into a search box – be it on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. However, there is much more to keywords than just that.

The keywords typed into a search box reveal certain details about customers and how they go about searching for things. Knowing this, it’s important to target keywords that mimic your customer’s minds and search tendencies.

our services

Why choose ADV +

Knowledge of the sector

We know exactly how these two social networks work and we have a team of creatives at your complete disposal who can help you in creating captivating and quality content.

Effective Editorial Plan

We will create with you an editorial plan that fully reflects the nature of your brand and that is able to convey value to users, involving them and making them part of your product / service.

Data Analysis

Thanks to all the data that we will collect you will be able to improve your overall performance results of your advertising campaigns and, consequently, make them more profitable.


Our Success Stories


Call us, we strive to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on working days. We will be happy to answer your questions.


Rua dos Jerónimos,
nº 40-3º Esq. Lisbona, 1400-212

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    brand awareness campaigns

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