
Web Marketing Festival 2020: ADV + will be there, and you?

Web Marketing Festival 2020: novità e partecipazione ADV+

Have you already booked for the Web Marketing Festival?
If the answer is no, we will tell you the reasons why you should do it!

The Web Marketing Festival is a worldwide event for experts, professionals and marketing and digital innovation enthusiasts.

The first edition of the WMF dates back to 2013 and starting from that date it’s a scheduled appointment, for those who work or gravitate around marketing and digital innovation, every year in June in the beautiful setting of Rimini.
In this 2020, for obvious reasons, the event in June was not as were used to with past editions but just a preview of the event that would have taken place in November.

Indeed, next 19th, 20th, and 21 st of November the Web Marketing Festival will take place.
If on the one hand we would rather forget about 2020, on the other it marks very a prosperous period for innovation, in fact, in 2020 the Fourth Industrial Revolution begins.
Italian and international SMEs, freelancers and not only, started to digitalize and reinvent themselves because of the pandemic.

The Web Marketing Festival 2020 will definitely be remembered, let’s look at the reasons in detail:

  • the festival will be completely online
  • in June 2020 the Special Edition of the WMF took place
  • there will be an Expo Area completely online
  • there will be the Digital Tourism Festival event
  • there will be E-commerce Festival event
  • there will be a Start-Up District
  • there will be a Digital Job Fair Area

And if all that’s not enough, we reveal you that we of ADVplus will take part in the WMF!

ADVplus will have the honor of being actively involved in this event: on the 20th of November 2020 from 11.15 AM to 11.45 there will be our speech “Instagram and the news to put into practice before 2021: micro strategies for different sectoral areas”, presented by Roberto Nardini, our Co-founder and Digital Strategist.

But why is it so important to attend an event like this?


First of all to learn, in fact you will be able to learn the methodologies, to improve and develop your skills.

The speakers are experts and this year the areas of expertise are definitely for all tastes, let’s see in detail:

  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Brand
  • E-commerce and Retail
  • Digital Transformation
  • Aerospace
  • Podcast
  • Open Innovation
  • Smart Working and HR
  • Digital Strategy
  • Big Data and Quantum Computing
  • Social Media Strategies
  • Search Engine Advertising
  • Digital Tourism
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Sustainability
  • Marketing Automation
  • Legal
  • Influencer Marketing
  • SEO
  • Email Marketing
  • Web Analytics
  • Start-Up
  • Platforms and Services
  • Cybersecurity
  • Design
  • EURid
  • Digital Health
  • Content Marketing
  • UX and Web Design
  • Digital Journalism
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual
  • Digital for Non-Profit
  • Music and Innovation
  • Robotics
  • Blockchain and Fintech
  • Esports and Gaming
  • Social Impact

You will surely find the one that’s right for you!


For networking with other experts like you and nurture your contacts. In a period of change like the one we are living, whatever your goal is, whethe you want to boost your business, change your job or propose yourself to a new company, you necessarily need to train and establish professional relationships.


If you are confused about what you want to do when you “grow up” or you want to escape the routine or simply you are looking for inspiration and want to confront yourself with other professionals, attending the WMF is definitely what you need!

For sure a live meeting would be better, but trust us, this year the Web Marketing Festival will definitely have an extra gear.

We are waiting for you!

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